
Examples Help! Superlatives and Adjectives - the Definition of an Adjective

Adjectives are one of the primary parts of speech. The meaning or definition of an Adjective is as follows:

  • Adjectives are descriptive words. An adjective is a word which qualifies a noun, that is, shows or points out some distinguishing mark or feature of the noun. Examples: A white dog, a tall man, a round theatre


Examples Help! Superlatives
Superlatives are special types of adjectives which are used to compare more than two things.


Definition of Superlatives
The superlative adjective is that form which expresses the greatest increase or diminution of the quality: nicest. An adjective is in the superlative form when it expresses a comparison between one and a number of individuals taken separately; "John is the richest man in Boston."

Superlatives are usually formed by adding the letters EST

Definition of Superlatives

Comparatives are special types of adjectives which are used to compare two things using the letters ER and the words BUT and THAN in the sentence: Fred is fatter than Paul or Fred is rich but Paul is richer


Examples Help! Rules for creating Superlatives

The creation of Superlatives is dependent on how many syllables there are in the adjective. 

  • Rules for adjectives with one syllable ending with an E
    • Examples: late, wide, nice
      • Superlatives created by adding the letters ST
        • Superlative examples: latest, widest, nicest
  • Rules for adjectives containing one syllable with a vowel in the middle and a consonant at the end of the word
    • Examples: fat, sad, big
      • Superlatives created by doubling the consonant and adding the letters EST
        • Examples: fattest, saddest, biggest
  • Rules for adjectives with more than one vowel or more than one consonant at the end of the word
    • Examples: quiet, fast, sweet
      • Superlatives created by adding the letters EST
        • Examples: quietest, fastest, sweetest
  • Rules for adjectives with two syllables ending with a Y
    • Examples: happy, juicy, sticky
      • Superlatives created by changing the Y to an I then adding EST
        • Examples: happiest, juiciest, stickiest
  • Rules for adjectives with two syllables NOT ending with a Y
    • Examples: beautiful, delicious, handsome
      • Superlatives created by using the word MOST
        • Examples: most beautiful, most delicious, most handsome

Examples Help - Superlatives - Understanding English Grammar!

English Grammar applies rules for standard use of words and how their component parts combine to form sentences. A grammar is also a system for classifying and analyzing the elements of language including inflections, functions, rules and relations in the sentence. This page about Superlatives will help with the understanding of this subject.

  • English Grammar & Terminology
  • Adjectives
  • Definition and classification
  • Definitions, samples and examples of different English Grammar & Terminology
  • What are the parts of Speech in English Grammar?
  • Definitions, samples and examples of different English Grammar
  • Superlative Adjectives
  • Definitions, samples and examples of different English Grammar and terminology
  • Examples Help!


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