Singular Nouns

Examples Help! Definition and Meaning of a Singular Noun

A noun is the name of any person, place or thing as John, London or book. The word "noun" derives from the Latin word 'nomen' meaning "name". But what is a Singular noun? The meaning or definition of a Singular noun is as follows:


Definition & Meaning
A Singular noun means one item only.
Examples of singular nouns are bed, boy, girl, book, house and cat.
Definition & Meaning

Examples Help! List of Singular Nouns

This list of English examples will prove useful when learning about different parts of speech:




Difference between Plural and Singular Nouns

The difference between plural and singular is easy - Singular means one. Plural means more than one.

The Noun Game

Looking for a worksheet, test, exercises or quiz game to test your understanding? Check out your knowledge and understanding of the different types by playing the Noun Game!

The Noun Game

Examples Help - Understanding Singular Nouns!

Understanding the different types of nouns is not very difficult, but it is made daunting because of the seemingly complicated names! Just glancing through this page provides a fast overview of Singular nouns. Remember that a Singular noun means one item only. Examples of singular nouns are bed, boy, girl, book, house and cat.

  • English Grammar
  • What is a Singular noun?
  • Parts of Speech
  • Understanding English Grammar
  • Meaning and Definition
  • Examples List
  • Definitions, list, types, samples and examples of different English Grammar
  • Test your knowledge and understanding
  • English Grammar and Singular Nouns
  • Definitions, list, types, samples and examples of different English Grammar
  • Examples Help!

Singular Nouns

English Grammar - Grammer - List - Meaning - Definition - Define - English - Examples - Samples Example - Sample - Free Test - Nouns - Test - Worksheet - Work Sheet - Quiz - Test and Quiz -  English Grammar - Grammer - Online - Web - Free - Free Noun Test - Nouns - Test - Worksheet - Work Sheet - Quiz - Quiz and Test - English Grammar - Grammer - List - Meaning - Definition - Define - English - Examples - Samples Example - Sample - English Grammar - Grammer - List - Meaning - Definition - Define - English - Examples - Samples Example - Sample - Written By Linda Alchin