Possessive Nouns

Examples Help! Definition and Meaning of a Possessive Noun

A noun is the name of any person, place or thing as John, London or book. But what is a Possessive noun? The meaning or definition of a Possessive noun is as follows:


Definition & Meaning

A possessive noun shows ownership (having or owning). Possessive nouns are formed by adding an apostrophe and "s" or only an apostrophe. Examples are John's car or the car belongs to John it is not Mark's. Mark is Johns' brother.

The possessive noun is also used to refer to restaurants, churches, shops and colleges combined with the job title or name of the owner. Examples are the doctor's, the dentist's, the grocer's or St. Saviour's or Smith's

Common expressions such as Sunday's newspaper or the water's edge also use this type of noun

Definition & Meaning

Examples Help! List of Possessive Nouns

This list of English examples will prove useful when learning about different parts of speech:

Mark'sJohn'sJohns' brother
St. Saviour'sSt Jude'sSt. Paul's


The Noun Game

Looking for a worksheet, test, exercises or quiz game to test your understanding? Check out your knowledge and understanding of the different types by playing the Noun Game!

The Noun Game

Examples Help - Understanding Possessive Nouns!

Understanding the different types of nouns is not very difficult, but it is made daunting because of the seemingly complicated names! Just glancing through this page provides a fast overview of Possessive nouns. Remember that Possessive nouns show ownership (having or owning). Possessive nouns are formed by adding an apostrophe ( ' ) and an "s" or only an apostrophe. Examples are John's car or the car belongs to John it is not Mark's. Mark is Johns' brother.

  • English Grammar
  • What is a Possessive noun?
  • Parts of Speech
  • Understanding English Grammar
  • Meaning and Definition
  • Examples List
  • Definitions, list, types, samples and examples of different English Grammar
  • Test your knowledge and understanding
  • English Grammar and Possessive Nouns
  • Definitions, list, types, samples and examples of different English Grammar
  • Examples Help!

Possessive Nouns

English Grammar - Grammer - List - Meaning - Definition - Define - English - Examples - Samples Example - Sample - Free Test - Nouns - Test - Worksheet - Work Sheet - Quiz - Test and Quiz -  English Grammar - Grammer - Online - Web - Free - Free Noun Test - Nouns - Test - Worksheet - Work Sheet - Quiz - Quiz and Test - English Grammar - Grammer - List - Meaning - Definition - Define - English - Examples - Samples Example - Sample - English Grammar - Grammer - List - Meaning - Definition - Define - English - Examples - Samples Example - Sample - Written By Linda Alchin